People Board Terms of Reference


The People Board is established by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) as a formal committee of the board in accordance with its constitution (hereafter referred to as the People Board).

These Terms of Reference (ToR), which must be published on the ICB website, set out the membership, the remit, responsibilities and reporting arrangements of the People Board and may only be changed with the approval of the ICB.

The People Board is a non-executive chaired committee of the ICB, and its members are bound by the standing orders and other policies of the ICB.


The People Board has been established to provide the ICB with assurance that it is delivering its functions and undertaking its responsibilities to deliver the workforce-related activities that are carried out by the ICB as an employer itself and to work collaboratively with other partners across the Integrated Care System.

The People Board will agree system implementation of people priorities including delivery of the People Plan and People Promise by aligning partners across the Integrated Care System to develop and support ‘one workforce’, including through closer collaboration across the health and care sector, with local government, the voluntary and community sector and volunteers.

The People Board will ensure that the ten people functions are delivered and that the ICB and system partners are meeting the strategic workforce priorities in the NHS, as set out in the People Plan. These include improving people’s experience of working within the NHS, enabling them to provide the best possible care and health outcomes for patients and citizens; transforming and growing the workforce to make use of the skills of staff and meet changing health needs; and developing a compassionate and inclusive culture that drives positive change for staff.

The People Board will provide regular assurance updates to the ICB and system partners, in relation to activities and items within its remit.


The People Board is a formal committee of the ICB. The ICB has delegated authority to the People Board as set out in the scheme of reservation and delegation and may be amended from time to time.

The People Board holds only those powers as delegated in these Terms of Reference as determined by the ICB.

The People Board may create task and finish sub-groups in order to take forward specific programmes of work as considered necessary by the People Board’s members but may not delegate any decisions to such groups unless approved by the ICB.


The People Board members shall be appointed by the ICB in accordance with the ICB Constitution.

The ICB will appoint no fewer than four members including two who are non-executive members of the ICB. Other attendees need not be members of the board, but they may be.

When determining the membership of the People Board, active consideration will be made to equality, diversity and inclusion.

The chair may ask any or all of those who normally attend, but who are not members, to withdraw to facilitate open and frank discussion of particular matters.

Chair and vice chair

The People Board shall satisfy itself that the ICB’s policy, systems and processes for the management of conflicts, (including gifts and hospitality and bribery) are effective including receiving reports relating to non-compliance with the ICB policy and procedures relating to conflicts of interest.

If a chair has a conflict of interest, then the co-chair or, if necessary, another member will be responsible for deciding the appropriate course of action.


  • Non-executive member (chair)
  • Non-executive member (deputy chair)
  • ICB chief people officer
  • ICB chief nurse
  • ICB medical director
  • Provider collaborative workforce / people director
  • Local authority workforce / people director(s)
  • Primary care workforce lead
  • Chair of the Public Involvement and Engagement Advisory Committee

Other representatives to include:

  • Voluntary sector workforce lead
  • Health Education England representative
  • Higher Education Institute representative
  • Chair of the LSC Collaborative Education Forum
  • EDI representative
  • North West Leadership Academy
  • Staff side rrepresentative


The People Board shall meet on a bi-monthly basis. Additional meetings may be convened on an exceptional basis at the discretion of the chair of the People Board.


There will be a minimum of one non-executive member, plus at least the chief people officer, and two members who are representing other organisations or sectors within the Integrated Care System.

Where members are unable to attend, they should ensure that a named and briefed deputy is in attendance who is able to participate on their behalf.

Decision making and voting

Decisions will be taken in according with the standing orders. The People Board will ordinarily reach conclusions by consensus. When this is not possible the chair may call a vote.

Only members of the People Board may vote. Each member is allowed one vote and a majority will be conclusive on any matter.

Where there is a split vote, with no clear majority, the chair of the People Board will hold the casting vote. The result of the vote will be recorded in the minutes.

If a decision is needed which cannot wait for the next scheduled meeting, the chair may conduct business on a ‘virtual’ basis through the use of telephone, email or other electronic communication.


The responsibilities of the People Board will be authorised by the ICB. It is expected that the People Board will ensure that strategies and delivery plans are in place to:

  • Support the health and wellbeing of staff across the Integrated Care System
  • Grow the workforce for the future and enable adequate workforce supply, ensuring that the ‘one workforce’ across the Integrated Care System is representative of the local communities served
  • Support inclusion and belonging for all, and create a great experience for staff across the Integrated Care System, addressing issues of inequality and inequity
  • Value and support leadership at all levels and lifelong learning, ensuring that leaders at every level live the behaviours and values set out in the People Promise
  • Lead workforce transformation and new ways of working
  • Educate, train and develop our people and manage our talent
  • Drive and support broader social and economic development, leveraging roles as anchor institutions and networks, and supporting all ICS partners to address the wider determinants of health and inequalities
  • Transform our people services and support the people profession
  • Lead on coordinated workforce planning using analysis and intelligence, aligning this to the needs to our current and future population, and our service and workforce needs.
  • Support system design and development, using organisational and cultural development principles to support the establishment and evolution of the ICB and the Integrated Care Partnership
  • Ensure delivery of the Lancashire and South Cumbria People Plan

The People Board will:

  • Review and monitor those risks on the BAF and corporate risk register which relate to people and identify operational risks which could impact on care
  • Ensure the ICB is kept informed of significant risks and mitigation plans, in a timely manner
  • Ensure oversight, and implementation, of national policy developments relating to the health and care workforce
  • Have oversight of, and approve the Terms of Reference and work programmes for, any groups reporting into the People Board

The People Board must be assured that:

  • There are robust processes in place for the effective delivery of a high quality people function for the ICB
  • There are robust processes in place to ensure effective collaborative working across partners
  • A culture which considers Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is embedded and actively promoted, and that consideration of EDI is demonstrably present across the ICB and its partners.


The People Board is directly accountable to the ICB. The minutes of meetings shall be formally recorded. The chair of the People Board shall report to the ICB Board (public session) after each meeting and provide a report on assurances received, escalating any concerns where necessary.

LSC ICB People Board Terms of Reference

The People Board will advise the audit committee on the adequacy of assurances available and contribute to the annual governance statement

The People Board will receive scheduled assurance report from its delegated groups. Any delegated groups would need to be agreed by the ICB Board.

The People Board will have regard to the Health and Care Partnership Integrated Care Strategy and the Joint Forward Plan. It will take direction and provide relevant updates to the Integrated Care Partnership in this regard. This will not be in the form of formal delegations or formal accountability.


ICB values

Members will be expected to conduct business in line with the ICB values and objectives. Members of, and those attending shall behave in accordance with the ICB’s constitution, standing orders, and standards of business conduct policy.

Equality and diversity

Members must demonstrably consider the equality and diversity implications of decisions they make.


All members, ex-officio members and those in attendance must declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest which will be recorded in the minutes. Anyone with a relevant or material interest in a matter under consideration will be excluded from the discussion at the discretion of the People Board chair.


The People Board shall be supported with a secretariat function which will include ensuring that:

  • The agenda and papers are prepared and distributed in accordance with the standing orders having been agreed by the chair with the support of the relevant executive lead.
  • Attendance of those invited to each meeting is monitored and highlighting to the chair those that do not meet the minimum requirements.
  • Records of members’ appointments and renewal dates and the ICB is prompted to renew membership and identify new members where necessary.
  • Good quality minutes are taken in accordance with the standing orders and agreed with the chair and that a record of matters arising, action points and issues to be carried forward are kept.
  • The chair is supported to prepare and deliver reports to the ICB.
  • The People Board is updated on pertinent issues/ areas of interest/ policy developments.
  • Action points are taken forward between meetings and progress against those actions is monitored.


The People Board will review its effectiveness at least annually and complete an annual report submitted to the ICB.

These terms of reference will be reviewed at least annually and more frequently if required. Any proposed amendments to the terms of reference will be submitted to the ICB for approval.

The People Board will utilise a continuous improvement approach in its delegation and all members will be encouraged to review the effectiveness of the meeting at each sitting.

Date of approval: 1 July 2022
Date of review: June 2023

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