Previous engagement

We are committed to listening to your views to help us make improvements to the way health and care services are delivered across Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Here's what you've told us:

Engagement carried out in 2023

Haverthwaite Surgery is a GP practice in Backbarrow, near Ulverston, with a registered list size of just under 2,900 patients.

The surgery is based in premises built in 1992. In August 2023 the landlord served a section 25 notice requesting the practice either signs a new lease which would make them responsible for funding repairs of the building or vacates the premises. The notice requested that the tenants vacate the premises. 

Following a review of the options – and having heard the views of patients at the practice – it was agreed that land and a building nearby would be converted into a new surgery building. The landlord has agreed that until those new premises are ready, the practice can remain in its current building.

Read the full Haverthwaite Surgery engagement report.

Following the retirement of the two GP partners at Liverpool House Surgery practice in Cumbria, an engagement exercise was launched in March 2023. The purpose was to help us understand how changes at the practice would affect patients and to support us to make a decision on the future of the practice.

Read the full engagement report.

Throughout 2023 we undertook a series of listening events across Lancashire and South Cumbria and captured the themes, issues and concerns that people raised. These have been shared with those who attended to ensure we haven’t missed any of the points attendees wanted to make. You can read the reports from each of the listening events below:

Following on from previous work with partners, including NHS organisations, local authorities, children, young people and parents/carers and representatives from the Voluntary Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE), a new model of delivery to improve services supporting the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people aged 0-19/25 was co-produced.

To understand what values a child, young person and parent/carer would like to see in any new provider of mental health support services, a member of the ICB’s engagement team was asked to develop a survey. 

This survey ran in June 2023 and was intended to find out from young people and parents/carers the principles and values they wanted to see from such services and their staff so these could be fed into the procurement work.

Read the survey results.

Engagement carried out in 2022

In October 2022, a short survey was developed to gather feedback on the draft priorities from people living and working in Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Read the summary of the findings.


In October and November of 2022 we worked with Rock FM to hold four children and young people workshops with pupils from four local secondary schools.

The aim of the workshops was to understand what mental health means to young people and what they know about local services. This would then help to inform the development of a mental health campaign aimed at 11 to 18 year olds.

Find out more on the Healthy Young Minds website.

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