NHS Joint Forward Plan

In line with the other integrated care boards across England, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB is required to publish a joint forward plan for 2023 onwards.

Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for developing a Joint Forward Plan for the NHS over the next five years. The ICB forms part of the Integrated Care System across Lancashire and South Cumbria, the formal partnership of organisations working together to improve the health and wellbeing of our population.  

Our plan describes how the NHS will meet the health needs of our population, by working jointly with partners on prevention, and by working with all organisations within the NHS family to transform the way healthcare services are provided.  

The NHS Joint Forward Plan for Lancashire and South Cumbria was developed in partnership with all NHS organisations in Lancashire and South Cumbria and working collaboratively with local authorities, VCFSE and community partners.

The first draft of our NHS Joint Forward Plan (2023-2028) was presented to the ICB board on 29 March 2023. It was recognised that a period of public engagement was required to ensure the plan captures the views of people living across Lancashire and South Cumbria and in May and June, a programme of engagement has been in place to capture views of local people using a variety of approaches.

The final NHS Joint Forward Plan was discussed and approved at the ICB Board meeting in July 2023 and is available to download below.

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