‘Bubble parties’ being thrown to encourage flu vaccination uptake for children
Date posted: 9th November 2022
A group of Lancashire-based GP practices are turning creative in their bid to vaccinate local children against flu.
Practices in Darwen Primary Care Network are hosting ‘bubble parties’ as part of the latest drive to protect two-to-three-year-olds this winter.
The theme is the latest in a list of initiatives that the practice is using to increase vaccination uptake, following past clinics that had Halloween and Christmas themes.
More than 200 children have already received their nasal spray vaccine, and the clinics are helping young people become familiar with clinical settings and reduce anxieties around them.
The initiative is run in conjunction with Darwen Town Council, which provide funding towards the gift packs handed out to children at the clinics.
Alex Fisher brought her daughter Amelia, 2, to the ‘bubble party’ and said: “It was welcoming and fun, the staff were lovely and help put Amelia at ease.
“I wanted to bring her for the appointment because I researched the benefits of having a flu vaccination, and with it being a nasal spray there wasn’t any pain involved for Amelia.
“Amelia was more relaxed as it was in a ‘fun’ environment and this lowered her anxieties around being in a new, unfamiliar building and around new people.
“I definitely think more clinics should be like this and I think it would help get rid of any fears. She wanted to wear her medal for bed!”
Anne Neville, business manager at Darwen Healthcare, said: “It’s always difficult to get children in, so we come up with themes to encourage them to come in.
“We have got a run of busy clinics coming up and are also piloting clinics in local nurseries too to reach out and make it as easy as possible for children to get vaccinated.”
The children's nasal spray flu vaccine is safe and effective, and is offered every year to children to help protect them against flu.
Find out more about children’s flu vaccinations on the NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/child-flu-vaccine/