The Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Strategy – engagement to learn whether the strategy makes sense to you.
Date posted: 9th March 2023
The Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Strategy – engagement to learn whether the strategy makes sense to you.
The Integrated Care Strategy has been produced by members of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). Members include the NHS, local authorities, and some organisations from the voluntary, community, and faith and social enterprises sector. The strategy focuses on some complex health issues that people in Lancashire and South Cumbria are facing. Organisations within the ICP have to work together to help solve these.
In October 2022, we asked people living in Lancashire and South Cumbria to share their views on six draft priorities in the strategy. We used this feedback to identify five priorities to include in the strategy. The final strategy document is now ready for sharing with you.
We want to make sure that the strategy makes sense to everyone, that people understand what we are proposing and trying to achieve. It is important that the priorities are written clearly and easy to follow. We want to know if you think the final strategy and our priorities are understandable to you.
Please provide your feedback by following this strategy link to the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership website. Here you can learn more about the strategy, read the strategy to see whether it makes sense to you, and complete the survey.