Our Carers Charter

Carers play a vital role in supporting people in our communities.

A carer is considered to be anyone who spends time looking after or helping a family member, friend or neighbour who, because of their health and care needs, would find it difficult to cope without this help regardless of age or whether they identify as a carer.

There are approximately 175,000 unpaid carers in Lancashire and South Cumbria according to the 2021 Census, and Carers UK estimates the true number may be double that. Of these, approximately 63,000 people provide more than 50 hours of unpaid care a week. Carers improve the wellbeing of the people they care for and help reduce the demand on a range of local authority and NHS funded services. Together, they make up a vital part of our health and care system.

There are three types of carer:

  • Adult carers: ‘An adult who provides or intends to provide care for another adult (an “adult needing care”)’
  • Young carers -‘A person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person’
  • Parent carers – ‘A person aged 18 or over who provides or intends to provide care for a disabled child for whom the person has parental responsibility’

Our commitment to you as a carer

We value the important role of carers across Lancashire and South Cumbria.

We will:

  • Acknowledge - We will acknowledge you in your caring role, making sure that we understand the help you provide. We will make sure you are listened to, valued and respected throughout your experience with us.
  • Involve - We will make sure that you are involved and included. We will keep you informed where we can, and explain why if we can’t. We want you to tell us how we can improve our services.
  • Communicate - We will make sure you are listened to and communicate clearly.
  • Support - We will make sure you know about the services you can access, and make you aware of your rights as a carer including the statutory carers assessment.

Support for carers

The following organisations can provide support to carers in Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Age UK Lancashire

Tel: 0300 303 1234

Respite via cognitive stimulation therapy (for people with dementia) and day services, as well as help from their support at home service; cleaning, laundry, shopping and companionship.

Barnados Lancashire

Barnados Lancashire supports young carers under the age of 18 who provide regular and ongoing care and emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misuses substances and are significantly affected by their caring role.

Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service

Blackburn with Darwen Carers Centre supports carers aged 18+ living in Blackburn and Darwen. They make sure you have access to support, information and wellbeing activities so that you and the person you care for can be as well as possible. 

Blackpool Carers Centre

Blackpool Carers Centre is an independent and local charity. They provide a range of services to support and enhance the lives of unpaid carers of all ages throughout Blackpool and The Fylde Coast.

Child Action North West

CANW provides a contact point for young carers


The Lancashire Carers service 

Tel: 0345 688 7113

Provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support servicesdesigned to help carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing.

N-Compass and Carers Link Lancashire deliver The Lancashire Carers’ Service. They provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing. 

Carers Link (East Lancashire)

N-Compass (North or Central Lancashire) 

Carers Support South Lakes

Carer Support South Lakes identifies the needs of unpaid carers of any age and provides quality services, support and advocacy to promote their health and wellbeing.

Carer Support Furness

Carer Support Furness was established to support carers living within the Furness area of Cumbria and is a vital link to information and support services covering all aspects of the caring role.

Alzheimer's Society

Tel: 0333 150 3456

Carers information and support programme.

Attendance Allowance Helpline

Tel: 0800 731 0122 | Textphone: 0800 731 0317

If you have a long-term illness or disability and you've reached State Pension age, you may be entitled to a benefit called Attendance Allowance. The helpline can provide assistance with any attendance allowance related queries.

Carers Allowance Unit -

Tel: 0800 731 0297 | Textphone: 0800 731 0317

If you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone with an illness or disability, ypu may be eligible for extra money called carer's allowance. Call for assistance with any Carers Allowance related queries. 

Carers Help and Talk (CHAT) line

Tel: 0333 103 9747

Don't suffer in silence. All calls are answered by volunteers who can offer understanding with regards to the common challenges faced by carers. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

NHS Carers Direct Helpline

Tel: 0300 123 1053

Further information for carers and signposting to local sources of support in England.

Personal Independent Payment (PIP) Enquiries

Tel: 0800 917 2222 | Textphone: 0800 917 7777

Personal Independent Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability and experience difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition. You can get PIP even if you'e working, have savings or are getting most other benefits.

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