Equality and Health Inequalities Impact and Risk Assessments (EHIIRA)

One of the main ways that Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) ensures compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) is by routinely undertaking Equality and Health Inequalities Impact and Risk Assessments (EHIIRAs).

These help us to demonstrate we have considered the impact of policies, services and practices have on our patient population and our workforce, particularly those people with protected characteristics, vulnerable groups or groups experiencing health inequalities.

The assessment shows whether a service which is in the planning stages will have the same level of access and experience for everyone. Ultimately, what this means is we’re making sure we take away, or minimise, any negative impacts on people before we make a policy or commissioning decision.

Equality and Health Inequalities Impact and Risk Assessments are completed for changes to a service, function or activity; newly commissioned or decommissioned services, commissioning reviews, financial decisions affecting staff, functions, services; policies (including workplace) and strategies.

Information about completed EHIIRAs can be found in the ICB’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report. Equality and Health Inequalities Impact and Risk Assessments can also be made available by request by contacting the ICB directly.

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