Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB to hold 2024 AGM in September
Date posted: 22nd August 2024
Members of the public are being invited to attend NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board’s (ICB) AGM next month.
Taking place on Wednesday 11 September at County Hall, in Preston, the meeting will be a chance to hear about work undertaken by the ICB in its first full year, with accounts and the annual report also on the agenda to be discussed.
This will be the second AGM, following the establishment of ICBs in 2022 to replace Clinical Commissioning Groups across England.
ICB chief executive Kevin Lavery said: “NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB has an important statutory role of developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population and managing the priorities of local NHS organisations. We also have an important role for developing strong relationships with partners across health and care.
“I am keen to welcome members of the public to our annual general meeting where we will share our achievements, progress and challenges in our first year as an Integrated Care Board as well as present our annual accounts and annual report. It would be great to have members of the public in attendance and we are looking forward to seeing our communities and partners face-to-face.”
The AGM runs from 4:30pm to 6:00pm on Wednesday 11 September in Lune Meeting Room 1, ICB Offices, County Hall, Level 3 Christ Church Precinct, Preston, PR1 8XB. Use the Bow Lane reception to enter.
To book a place, visit the link here; registration is required to help with the management of the event. For help with registering or any other information, phone the ICB on 0300 373 3550 or email
Should you wish for a particular topic to be covered at the AGM, please complete the survey here.